Veolia is the leading global environmental service provider. We are values driven; our values and business principles guide the actions of every individual that works within the business and our Clients. The Prevention of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental (OHS & E) Risk at work are our core values. To achieve effectiveness of our core values within our business operations, we ensure our employees are our primary consideration while protecting our customers and the communities we serve. No activity will be attempted or undertaken unless it can be done safely. Our priority is also to Protect our environment by complying with Legal Requirements both national and international applicable to our operations and by adjusting our personal behaviour in our everyday life.
Health and safety: what are our responsibilities?
To achieve this and build a positive culture, Our action is to focus on the 5 following strategic pillars:
- Management and leadership Involvement by demonstrating commitment in implementing a positive Health, Safety and Environmental culture.
- Improving OHS & E risk management by ensuring the risk management cycle is effectively implemented in reducing occupational injuries and preventing pollution (Not discharging non- Compliant Water) in our operational activities.
- Improving communication and dialogue, based on the identification, analysis and the sharing of best practices, as well as unsafe acts and unsafe condition to improve upon awareness program,
- Employees development and involvement to improve efficiency and productivity in our activities and to promote positive Occupational Health and Safety culture,
- OHS & E performance monitoring and control of our activities and setting the measurable Objectives, Targets and programs.