We are involved and accountable. We respect, recognize and develop our people. Veolia intends to participate actively in building a society that is committed to sustainable development. As a key player in the field of environmental services, the Group assumes responsibility on a day-to-day basis for the public good, in particular by: - Promoting the harmonious development of territories; Improving the living conditions of populations affected by its activities and protecting the environment, its core business. Veolia is committed to encouraging professional skills development and improving workplace health and safety for individuals (preventing workplace accidents), along with the security of all employees and facilities managed by the Group.
At Veolia, whose activities serve collective and shared interests, this value applies to the relationships entered into with all stakeholders whose expectations the Group endeavors to meet. This value is particularly demonstrated by the development of solutions that make it possible to provide essential services for all, which the Group considers to be one of its societal responsibilities
This value guides the individual conduct of all Group employees and is expressed by compliance with the law and the Group’s internal rules and through the respect shown to others. The subject of legal compliance is an opportunity to reemphasize the importance of integrity and honesty at Veolia. These principles form the basis for the absolute prohibition of corruption in French law, as is the case in most foreign legal systems.
Veolia has placed research and innovation at the center of its strategy in order to develop durable solutions for its customers, the environment and society. Through innovation, the Group is able to seek ever-better efficiency and quality in its services.
Customer Focus
We uphold codes of transparency and ethics that allow us to build long-lasting and trusting relationships with our customers based on integrity, mutual respect and nondiscrimination. Veolia listens to its customers and meets their technical, economic, environmental and societal expectations by providing adapted and innovative solutions.